Print Materials

Published Yawo Materials

Please note this page covers materials mostly printed in the Yawo language. If you prefer to find materials about the Yawo culture or language, refer to the research page.

Due to the work and presence of Christian missionaries in Yawo areas since the late 1800s, Christian literature is the most widely available printed material in the Ciyawo language. Bible portions were first published in 1880, with a New Testament completed in 1898 and a complete Bible in 1920.

Some of the earliest translations of the Bible into Ciyawo were published as separate volumes by the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa on Likoma Island (Malawi) for the British and Foreign Bible Society at the beginning of the 20th Century. The famous Yao Anglican priest and scholar, Yohanna Abdallah, was involved in some of these translations.

For an overview of Bible translation among the Yawo, see Utenga Wambone—the “Good News”: An Exploration of Historical Ciyawo Bible Translations and Linguistic Texts. Further listings regarding Yawo translation can be found below. Complete Bibles in print, however, have not been available until late 2014 when the Bible Society and SIM launched their more widely available version. More recently they are being made available, in multiple dialects, through online sources for those who can read or prefer to listen via audio.

Anthropology & Culture

Wisdom of the Yawo

Lunda lwa Wandu wa Ciyawo / Wisdom of the Yawo. Under the Elephant’s Belly, You Can’t Pass Twice(Dr. Ian Dicks, Namwera, Malawi. Published by Kachere Press, 2006). With text in both English and Ciyawo. See our marketplace listing for more details, or to listen to a selection of proverbs.

Bible (complete)

Buku Jeswela (Bible Society of Malawi, 2014) or via YouVersion

Bible (portions)

Anjili ja Ambuje Wetu na Mkulamya Isa Masiya kwa Mattayo: Malowe ga Kiyao [Gospel of Matthew, translated by Chauncy Maples of the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa, 1880]

Buku 1: Kum’manyilila Mlungu pandanda pene [Ndandililo, Yobu] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 2: Kwenda ni Mlungu mchipululu [Kutyoka, Buku ja wakutaga mbopesi, Kuwalanga, Kuwilisya Malamusi] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 3: Kutama ni Mlungu mchilambo chepelechele chilanga [Yoswa, wakulamula, Lute, 1 ni 2 Samuyele, 1 ni 2 Achayimwene, 1 ni 2 Mbili, Obadya, Yowele, Amosi Hoseya, Yona, Yesaya, Mika, Nahumu, Safanya, Habakuku (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 4: kumlambila Mlungu mchiswejelo [Malumbo, Misyungu, Jwakulalichila, Nyimbo ja Solomoni] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 5: Kukulupilila Mlungu mu yisawusyo [Yelemiya, Malilo, Daniyele, Esekiyele] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 6: Kutamilisigwa ni Mlungu m’malangano gakwe [Esala, Nehemiya, Hagayi, Sakaliya, Esitele, Malaki] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 7: Kum’wona Mlungu jwakutama pachilikati petu [Mateyu, Maliko, Luka, Yohane] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 8: Kukamula masengo mu mpingo pampepe ni Mlungu [Masengo ga Wakutumichila, 1 ni 2 Akolinto, Agalatiya, Aefeso, Afilipi, Akolose, 1 ni2 Atesalonika, 1 ni2 Atimoteyo, Tito, Filimoni] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 9: Kukula mchimanyisyo cha Mlungu [Aloma, Ahebeli, Yakobo, 1 ni2 Petulo, 1,2 ni 3 Yohane, Yuda] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Buku 10: Kwembechela Mlungu nu uchimbichimbi wakwe [Chiwunukuko] (M. Barr of Malawi)

Chida cha Wakulijiganya (translations from “Youth Aflame: Manual for Discipleship” by Winkie Pratney) [link]

Filipo (translations from “Youth Aflame: Manual for Discipleship” by Winkie Pratney) [link]

Genesis ne Exodus (British and Foreign Bible Society, 1933)

Jwakulochesya Adamu (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi)

Jwakulochesya Nowa (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi)

Jwakulochesya Abulahamu (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi)

Jwakulochesya Yusufu (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi)

Jwakulochesya Musa (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi)

Jwamkongwe jwakumnonyelesya Mlungu (M. Barr of Malawi)

Kukula Mchiswejelo (M. Barr of Malawi)

Kutama Mchembecheyo (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi – HIV/AIDS booklet)

Kwenda ni Yesu (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi, books 1-6)

Kwimba pa Chiyao

Liwasa lyambone (M. Barr of Malawi)

Luka ni Yitendo (Chembecheyo cha Sambano/New Hope Publishing, Namwera, Malawi)

Majiganyo ga Bayibulo [2 books with pictures, 92 chronological Bible lessons for children] (H. Steiner of Malawi)

Malangano ga Sambano (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi, 1992)

Mwanache jwa Kwinjilila — Ulombela ja ku Kana (by African pastors fellowship, Birkley, Coventry UK, published by Safari Books)

Ndandililo ja umi wa Chikilisitu (M. Barr of Malawi)

Ndandililo ni Kutyoka (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi)

Ngani sya M’Baibulo (Jehovah’s Witness Watchtower Society, 2015)

Ngani Syambone (Yohane)

Ngani Jambone Mpela Ijitite Pakulembwa ni Che Luka: Gospel of Luke in Kiyao (The Word for the World and Pioneer Bible Translators, Morogoro, Tanzania, 2012)

Nyimbo sya Chiyawo (compiled by H. Steiner of Malawi)

Petulo (translations from “Youth Aflame: Manual for Discipleship” by Winkie Pratney) [link]

Shepherd’s Staff by Ralph Mahoney, translation section A2 [link], A3 [link], A4 [link]

Tomasi (translations from “Youth Aflame: Manual for Discipleship” by Winkie Pratney) [link]

Uchimwene wa Mlungu ni Kulombela (Chembecheyo cha Sambano/New Hope Publishing, Namwera, Malawi)

Ya Caatiite Kudiinganigwa Cilaambo (SIM Mozambique – creation story, 600KB)

Wanga Kwakulupichika – Answers to Live (by Edwin D. Roels, ISBN 99908-76-68-1, Mvunguti Book, 72 pp., 2006. Published by Kachere Press, Zomba, Malawi)

Yijiganyo 1, 2, 3 (Chembecheyo cha Sambano/New Hope Publishing, Namwera, Malawi)

Yohane (translations from “Youth Aflame: Manual for Discipleship” by Winkie Pratney) [link]


Cambridge University Press released a series of beautifully illustrated children's readers as part of their Little Library Reading Kit. As part of their efforts, a version was made in Ciyawo though we no longer know if it is available. They included the following titles: Chameleon’s Clever Trick, Crocodile’s Sore Tooth, Does your Father Snore?, Dorothy’s Visit, Eddie Ndlovu, Lizo’s Song, The Little Lost Goat, Thuli’s Mattress, Vusirala the Giant, and Yawning is Catching.


Mbataata sya Ciyaawo sya Majooni. This is an initiative of IIAM, Associação Progresso, SETSAN, União de Camponeses e Associações de Lichinga, Diocese AnglicanConcern Universal and FHI360. For more information about sweet potatoes, visit and view this informational video from CIP.


Kutama Mchembecheyo (Bible Society of Malawi/SIM Malawi – HIV/AIDS booklet)

Moringa, Citeela Ca Maujisa (MGK, Lichinga, Mozambique)

Global Interaction (PO BOX 138, Mangochi, Malawi) readers:

  • Kusamalila meso ga Hawa (health – 2014-15)
  • Kwasamalila ŵakongwe ŵakwembeceya (health – 2014-15)
  • Ngosi ja Bilali (health – 2014)
  • Umi wambone (health – 2015)
  • Mtela wacilengedwe (health – 2016)


From Associação Progresso, Lichinga, Mozambique

  • A-situ, A-dita M’piila ni Dipapaaya [Autor: Joao Kuimba ]
  • Cibuuku ca Mwanapunsi jwa Kalaase ja N’ssano
  • Ciisimo-simo ca a-Jaapade [Autor: Kurt Komarck]
  • Dilaanguka [Livro da 1a classe – vol. 1 | Autor: Maria Teresa Veloso]
  • Kuleula kwa Mwaanace [Autor: Maria de Graca Cruz e Angelina Neves]
  • Naciloongola–Citaabu ca Kudiijiganicisya Kusooma ni Kuleemba pa Ciyaawo [Livro de Alfabetização na Língua Yao]
  • Ndano Ja A-Samiyaana ni Siine Syaakwe
  • Ya muno-muno ya woose: Vaaveecete ce-Dikooswe
  • Yisaabu Ya Acaakuluungwa (Kalaasi ja ndaanda) Matematica para adultos em Yao, Nivel 1

Global Interaction (PO BOX 138, Mangochi, Malawi) readers:

  • Kusamalila meso ga Hawa (health – 2014-15)
  • Kwasamalila ŵakongwe ŵakwembeceya (health – 2014-15)
  • Ngosi ja Bilali (health – 2014)
  • Umi wambone (health – 2015)
  • Lisiku lya Kampepusa (culture/life/story – 2014-15)
  • Lisiku lyakusita yakuwala ya mama Fatima (culture/life/story – 2014)
  • Mama Adija ni cisuŵi (culture/life/story – 2015)
  • Msinda wa Mangochi (culture/life/story – 2015)
  • Ulendo wa ce Mussa (culture/life/story – 2014)
  • Ŵandu ŵa Ciyawo (culture/life/story – 2015)
  • Ana, Ŵakongwe Ŵaŵaliji Ŵangaŵeleka (1 Samuele mtwe 1 – 2014-15)
  • Daniyele ni Masimba (Daniyele mtwe 6 – 2013, 2015)
  • Daudi ni Goliyati (1 Samuele mtwe 17 – 2013, 2015)
  • Eliya ni jwamkongwe jwamasije (1 Ayimwene mtwe 17:6-16 – 2015)
  • Malamusi ga Mlungu (Ekisodo mtwe 20 – 2014-15)
  • Mlungu akwete cinonyelo ni uwe (Masalimo 23 – 2013, 2015)
  • Mtela wacilengedwe (health – 2016)
  • Mundu jwambone jwa Cisamaliya (Luka mtwe 10:25-37 – 2014-15)
  • Mwanace Jwakwasika (Luka 15:11-23; 2014)
  • Ngani ja Mlungu ni Ŵandu (Genesesi mtwe 1)
  • Ngani ja mnamalima ni mbeju (Luka mtwe 8:1-15 – 2014-15)
  • Ngani ja sambi sya Adamu ni Hawa (Genesesi mtwe 3 – 2013; 2015)
  • Sanja ja Babiloni (Genesesi mtwe 11:1-9 – 2013, 2015)
  • Yampaka tutendeje pakupopela (Mateyo mtwe 6:5-14; 2015)
  • Yesu ŵalekasisye mbungo ja macili (Luka mtwe 8:22-25 – 2014-15)

Malawian primary school primers:

  • Kuwalanga Chiyao–1 Malowe
  • Kuwalanga Chiyao–2 Chilu
  • Kuwalanga Chiyao–Malowe Gane

Wachiweni Wani (Steve Chimombo, Manchini Publications, Malawi)


United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Mkamulano Wa Ilambo Yoscope Pa Ufulu Wa Chipago Wa Wandu Malowe Gandanda from Geneva: United Nations Office of the High Comissioner for Human Rights [download here]

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