Research Papers and Academia

Modern Dictionaries:

Dicks, Ian D. (ed), English – Ciyawo Learner’s Dictionary/Dikishonale ja Ŵakulijiganya Cingelesi – Ciyawo, Mzuzu: Mzuni Press, 2018. and

Dicks, Ian D. (ed), Ciyawo – Cingelesi Dikishonale ja Ŵakulijiganya/Learner’s Dictionary Ciyawo – English, Mzuzu: Mzuni Press, 2022. and

Kishindo, Pascal J. (ed), Mgopolela Maloŵe jwa Ciyawo (Ciyawo Dictionary), Blantyre: Dzuka Publishing and Centre for Language Studies, 2013.

Ngunga, Armindo. Pequeno Dicionário: Ciyaawo – Português/Português – Ciyaawo. Maputo: Associação Progresso, 2011.

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English resources and academia:

Featured Website: "The Queen is the Boss! On Gender and Power in Northern Mozambique: An Online Oral History Exhibition". This online exhibition is trilingual (English, Portuguese, and Mozambican Ciyaawo).


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The Village that Vanished front cover

The Village that Vanished

Written by Ann Grifalconi, illustrated by Kadir Nelson. Released 2004.


Young Abikanile and all of the villagers of Yao feel safe hidden deep within the African jungle. But word has come that the slavers are on their way! Abikanile looks to her mother and her grandmother for strength and guidance. These two brave women come up with a plan to fool the slavers and protect their tribe. But as the villagers retreat into the forest, Abikanile finds that she too has the courage to help her people stay safe and free. See on Amazon.


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